Selecting Your Best Running Buddy - SHOES!
Many a times, I am asked the question - How do I start running. The answer to this question, that I have often provided is - In order to run, all you need is Legs(these days we have blade runners too - all respect to them), Road, a pair of running shoes (these days we see a lot of barefoot runners as well - more about that in the article), a runner's heart. The next question more often than not - what kind of shoes should i wear? Now that is a tricky one. There are various things that go into selecting the right pair. I have been a minimalist runner for the last 6 years and hence my recommendations are on those lines. However, in this article, I will try and address what are the different types of running shoes and how should you select one. Many a times, if you are already a runner, you may face a situation where you may find a shoe to be perfect when you buy it in the store. You try it, may try taking some strides in it etc. However, the real test of the shoes i...